As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to share our faith in Jesus with all people. In fact, our Lord and Savior Jesus said the following: “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” And, of course, there is Christ’s famous Great Commission statement:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Matthew 28: 18-19a

However, this Great Commission can sound to us like such a colossal and monumental thing. It can sound too grandiose for an individual Christian or a neighborhood Christian congregation to accomplish. But we also know that “for God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

So, what can we do with all these teachings and commandments from our Lord about “fishing” and discipling and evangelizing in his name?

Well, it has been said that Christian evangelism is one beggar telling another where they have found bread. And if we think of it like this, then the call to evangelize doesn’t seem so daunting. All of us, like all of humanity, are spiritual beggars that are in need of the spiritual bread that God so graciously has made available to us in Christ. Simply put, we are beggars who have found The Living Bread of Heaven (John 6:47-51) who wish to share with others (as best we can) where they can get this bread for themselves.

Beggars telling other beggars where we have found bread — this really is the heart of Christian evangelism and it is something we can all do, both individually and congregationally. You can give gifts to people that reflect Christian faith and spirituality. You can regularly “Check In” and “Share” and “Like” on our church Facebook page for your individual social media contacts to see. You can invite your friends, neighbors, family members and coworkers to worship services and congregational events. If you have children who have not followed through with their vows at their own child’s baptism to bring them to the services of God’s house, then you can evangelize your grandchildren by inviting and bringing them to worship, Sunday school and other activities.

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, there are a variety of important things we must engage in. For instance, charitable service is very important. However, while we continue to do charitable service (both domestically and globally), we must also remember to do evangelism by sharing with our fellow sinners and spiritual beggars where to find The Bread of Life, who is Christ the Lord. Essentially, it is inviting people to the renewing and sustaining life, light and love of Jesus through his Holy Word and Blessed Sacrament within the fellowship of his Community of Disciples.

Happy New Year to All and Share the Good News! 

Pastor Tim

Author: Pastor Tim

By God's grace, I am a Christian, a husband, a father, a Lutheran pastor, an American citizen, a USAF veteran, a science buff, and a sci-fi fan.