MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH offers regular fellowship events for our members to grow together in the blessing of Christ-centered community.
For example, we offer periodic special events like our annual Trunk or Treat or our annual Church Movie Night or our annual Day at the LA Dodgers.
However, we also have two regularly scheduled fellowship events each month, and these are the following:

Community Lunch on Second Wednesdays
Our Community Lunch runs every month from September to May, and it features fun entertainment along with good food and an uplifting devotional.

Threads of Hope Group on Third Wednesdays
Our Threads of Hope quilters enjoy Christian fellowship while producing beautiful quilts to give to those in need through Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts.
“In Christ the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.”
The Holy Bible, Ephesians 2: 21-22