Passing on the Faith of Jesus Christ to Our Children
MT. OILIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH is committed to passing on the faith, hope and love of Jesus Christ to the next generations.
Every Sunday morning, the Sunday School age children leave our worship service right after the children’s message to attend Sunday School to learn about God, about our Lord and Savior Jesus, about his Apostles, about the Bible, and about important Christian principles.
Christian Education flows from the grace-filled waters of our Holy Baptism into Christ and his Church, and it is a living partnership between the congregation and the parents/guardians. Our Mt. Olive family of Christian disciples will guide and support parents as they fulfill their baptismal promise to bring their child to worship and instruct them in the Christian Faith.
We invite you to also talk to your child about what they learn in Sunday School, because the Sunday School lessons reflect the appointed Bible readings that are read in worship each week. Also, please make sure your child gets adequate sleep Saturday night and has had breakfast that morning.
Lastly, please volunteer to help in your child’s class, and provide feedback to help insure that we can grow and improve our programs as well.