Although Christianity is essentially a form of Judaism, over the centuries the Christian Faith has incorporated and inculcated itself into the various cultures of Pagan societies. So Christianity’s spiritual inheritance is a blend of ancient Hebrew faith mixed with some Christianized archaic Pagan practices. And while this fact is often greatly overstated these days by those who wish to discredit and malign Christianity, the reality is that Christian observances (such as the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ) include some formerly Pagan elements as well. Consequently, things like colored eggs, bunny rabbits, and so on, have been given new and eternal significance by the grace and truth of God revealed in Christ our Savior. For “God has placed all things under Christ’s feet and has made him the head over all things for the church…” (Ephesians 1:22).  

Moreover, while the name of the annual celebration of the resurrection of Jesus maintains its Hebrew roots in many non-English languages (Pascha in Greek, Pascua in Spanish, etc.), in English the name of this most holy of all Christian holy days is taken from an Anglo-Saxon spring festival centered on the goddess Eostre, a Germanic goddess of the sunrise whose symbol was a rabbit or hare. So this is only the case in English (Easter) and German (Ostern), not in other languages. In most languages, the paschal connection between the celebrations of Passover and Holy Week is maintained, stemming from the Hebrew root word of Pesach.

Now that all this has been said, how are we Christians to regard symbols like colored Easter eggs?

The egg is an obvious candidate for a resurrection symbol of renewal and regeneration. The egg has been honored during many spring rites throughout the ages: Egyptians, Jews, Persians, Romans, Celts, and even the Chinese, have all understood the egg as representing new beginnings. Whether it was the commencement of building a bridge across a river, sowing a field of wheat, or launching a new fishing boat, the egg was used as an emblem of renewal. So Christians naturally adopted the egg symbol to specifically and preeminently represent the new life received through the cross and empty tomb of Jesus. For, again, “God has placed all things under Christ’s feet and has made him the head over all things for the church…”

The good news is that God enacts, establishes and extends his absolute love for all nations and peoples through the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ the Son of God, offering the free gift of forgiveness of sins and eternal life to everyone by God’s grace through faith. Therefore, according to the biblical gospel, Christianity ascribes the ancient Hebrew symbolism of the Passover lamb and the archaic Pagan symbolism of the decorated egg to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus the Universal Messiah.

So for us Christians, a colored Easter egg (and its emptied shell after eating it) represents the empty tomb, and it calls us to be empty tombs as well. For the truth is that we can sometimes be overwhelmed by our unrealized expectations, disappointments, losses and grief; we can sometimes be overcome by despair, frustration and an apocalyptic mood. We can become so spiritually and emotionally severe that we become tombs filled with the deadly stench of judgment and condemnation, directed at ourselves and others. However, we must realize that we cannot force the Kingdom of God to be perfectly manifest in others any more than we can force God’s Kingdom to be perfectly manifest in ourselves. So we must love and forgive ourselves and others, just as God loves us and forgives us in Christ.

In other words, by the grace of God, let us become empty tombs in our lives — empty of our desire to control and our attachment to specific outcomes. By God’s grace, we must LET GO and LET GOD! By God’s sovereign grace and will, let us TRUST IN THE LORD and be at peace. God is the Lord of human history (including you and me) and God’s steadfast love endures forever.

“O give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:2)

Blessed & Happy Eastertime!!! Pastor Tim


As Springtime has sprung and as we’ve continued to receive over-abundant precipitation this year, my April church article is focused on the subject of the “Living Water” of God. So I’m orienting my reflections on the Gospel of John reading that we had a few Sundays ago (John 4:5-42), which is concerning God’s Living Water. I’m doing this especially because this Living Water passage of Holy Scripture contains some of the most central, essential and vital themes of the good news of Jesus Christ…

Chapter 4 of John describes a time when Jesus visited the region of Samaria, which was a despised place to the Jewish People of that time, because the Samaritans were considered by the Jews as ritually unacceptable and impure. Basically, Samaria was a place that all Jews (including Jesus and his disciples) were expected to steer well clear of. Samaria was designated as a “bad place” populated by those spiritually defiled and despised Samaritans, because the Samaritans did not worship God at the Temple of Zion in the City of Jerusalem but rather at their own Temple of Gerizim near the City of Shechem. Consequently, with the Jews centering their worship on the Temple of Zion in Jerusalem and the Samaritans centering their worship on the Temple of Gerizim near Shechem, both Jews and Samaritans condemned each other as being unfaithful expressions of the ancient Israelite religious faith and spiritual life. Despite the fact that they both worshiped the same Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they condemned one another over these differences.

Nevertheless, even though Jesus could have avoided Samaria, our Lord Jesus intentionally traveled through it. And that’s just how our Lord and Savior was when he walked this Earth during his mortal ministry among us. He often took a sledgehammer to the various ethnic, religious and cultural barriers and taboos, in order to seek and save the lost as the Great Physician of all humanity. So this is the reason the Samaritan woman in John 4 says to Jesus, “How is it that you, being a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” For as it also says, “Jews do not share things in common with Samaritans.” In fact, for a proper First Century Jew to share a drink from a common cup with a Samaritan would have been viewed as cavorting with the enemy!

In addition to this, it was also expected that men and women were forbidden to converse with one another outside of their family clan — let alone a Jewish man and a Samaritan woman.  However, our Lord Jesus, in stark contrast to both Hebrew and Pagan societies of the time, modeled for us a harmonious balance between the two halves of humanity (between both male and female). Just as Jesus treated both non-Jews and his fellow Jews alike, he also treated both women and men as equal in value and dignity as children of God even though we’re different sides of the same human coin.

Furthermore, at high noon when the heat of the Middle Eastern day was beginning to peak, Jesus meets this Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well to ask her if he could have some water to drink. And if you recall from the Old Testament, Jacob met his wife Rachel at the well, and Moses met his wife Zipporah at a well too. So Jesus meeting this woman at the well should spark us to think about marriage, especially in the context of Jesus inviting this woman to become a part of his Holy Church. In other words, this is a kind of spiritual romance playing out in John 4, because Jesus invited this woman to faith! He invited her to become a part of the New Covenant “Bride of Christ” (that is, his community of believers and followers, called the Church of Jesus Christ).

Therefore, Jesus asks her about her husband, and he reveals that he knows everything about her five marriages and how she was currently with someone who wasn’t her husband. Of course, he knew everything about her past, just as he knows everything about my past and your past. He knows our whole history, including the skeletons in our closets. And by revealing his miraculous foreknowledge to the Samaritan woman, Jesus revealed that he’s more than merely a pious Jewish man, and even much more than a Prophet of God. Jesus was revealing to her that he is the Divine Universal Messiah, God’s Living Water flowing from the Heavenly Fountain of Almighty God.

Like a stream or river, Christ our Lord is the pure, fresh, ever-flowing Living Water that eternally quenches our deepest spiritual thirst. For we are all thirsty for that which our soul cannot find anywhere else! So how thirsty are you? How thirsty are you for the deep, permanent satisfaction that simply cannot be found from anything else in this impermanent and ultimately unsatisfactory world?

The Only One to satisfy this thirst is the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), who leads us to “worship in spirit and truth” (as it says in John 4), so that wherever we find ourselves, and everywhere we gather together in his name, becomes for us a Holy Gerizim and a Holy Zion. For Jesus is the One and Only answer to our hunger and thirst for fulfillment and peace. He is our infinite grace within this fallen and sinful world, and he is our more-than-enough within this not-enough mortal existence — he’s our “spring of water gushing up to eternal life” (as it says). And every Sunday, at our weekly spiritual watering-hole that we call worship, our Lord Jesus is with us in spirit and truth, in Word and Sacrament, offering to us Living Water for our spiritually parched hearts, minds and souls.

Almighty and Eternal God, on our own, apart from you, we have no true hope, no permanent refreshment, no everlasting fulfillment. Bring us to drink from your wellspring fountain of spirit and grace and truth which ever-flows to us through Christ Jesus our Savior, by the power of your Holy Spirit.  O Holy Trinity, we pray in your triune name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed Holy Week & Happy Easter!!!  Pastor Tim


My dad died in 2003, then later my mom died in 2014, and so, at these very difficult times of great loss and grief, I found myself spending a lot of time and energy looking back. Naturally, this is a normal response when we experience the greatest losses in life, such as the death of a parent or a longtime spouse. Indeed, dwelling on the past with enormous amounts of mental and emotional energy like this is very much a part of the grieving process for up to a couple of years afterward.

Sadly, we can sometimes become stuck in the past — year after year, and even decade after decade — and this imprisonment in the past drains and robs us of being fully present right here and now. However, thanks be to God we can become unstuck by the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord! By God’s great mercy, we have been reborn into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. And this great hope lifts us up and rescues us from being hopelessly and endlessly stuck in the past and in our grief. As St. Paul the Apostle of Christ writes in his second letter to the Christians of the City of Corinth:

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is achieving for us an eternal glory beyond all measure. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

(Second Corinthians 4: 16-18)

Similarly, we can be tempted into the trap of being overly focused (to the point of obsession) on the future. We can exhaust ourselves with worrying about what the future might hold for us. Yet again, we can find ourselves drained and robbed of being fully present right here and now, except this time the culprit is our anxiety about the future. However, the cure for this is the same cure that saves us from being stuck in the past. The cure is the good news and eternal hope of Christ! For our Lord Jesus teaches us with his immortal words in chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew and in chapter 14 of the Gospel of John:

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life… But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for today is its own trouble.”

(from Matthew 6: 25-34)

“In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also… I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

(from John 14: 2-7)

In other words, we should not obsess about what the future might hold for us, because we know The One who holds our future in his hands — our Heavenly Father. And because our Heavenly Father has provided his only begotten Son to bring us atonement, forgiveness and renewal of life, we have an all-surpassing future hope. Christ has died, yes, but Christ is now risen and we shall arise too. He is the Lord of all life and light and love, and this wonderful Lord is also the Lord of our everlasting future together.

Therefore, we need not fret over the impermanent nature of this temporary earthly existence that we all must journey through. It is a temporary condition during which we experience all sorts of tests and trials, but it is only momentary compared to the eternal glory that awaits us through Christ. For again as the Apostle Paul writes, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

The gospel of Christ empowers us to more gently row our boats through this life. Not futilely rowing backward against the flow of time, stuck in the past. Not frantically and exhaustingly rowing forward with great anxiety about the future. Rather, we are enabled to row gently down the stream — mentally and emotionally present in the here and now — by the power of the faith, hope and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

During our Lenten Season and on into Eastertime, and indeed for the rest of our lives, may we continually learn to row our boats more gently down the stream of this life — “merrily, merrily,” as the old song goes — for we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Blessed Season of Lent! Pastor Tim


After Jesus’ crucifixion, death and burial, the disciples thought all was lost. They deeply grieved the death of their beloved teacher and friend. They felt post traumatic stress and overwhelming despair concerning the events of Jesus’ arrest, trial, torture and execution. They also feared retribution for their association with Jesus. They even wondered if anything Jesus said and did was true, questioning if they had backed the right messianic contender.

Everything was falling apart. Everything was broken. Was it all for naught? Was it all coming to an end?

You know, this past December marked two years since my family and I moved to La Crescenta, and I’ve realized that April marks one entire year of strict COVID-19 protocols for our congregation. While we have maintained online sermons, devotionals and worship throughout this whole timeframe, we actually went without in-person worship from April to June of 2020, resuming in-person worship in July. And barring fires and inclement weather, we have faithfully kept The Lord’s Day each week with in-person worship services since July, as well as with drive-thru and YouTube options.

So about half of the time my family and I have lived here has been during COVID restrictions, and all of us as a congregation have journeyed together during this difficult time of national and communal loss, fear and stress. Consequently, we might have some of the same thoughts and feelings that the early disciples had right after Jesus’ death prior to his resurrection.

We might wonder… Are basic community institutions (congregations, fraternities, service clubs, etc.) coming to an end? Are the functions of these fundamental institutions being superseded and replaced by centralized state programs? Is religious faith and spiritually at an end? Is Christianity in America coming to an end? Or is God just getting started?

We often forget that the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ took place at some point during the night. The empty tomb was discovered on Easter Sunday morning (John 20:1-18), but the resurrection itself happened in the darkness. So, even while the disciples were under a self-imposed lockdown, with an emotional and spiritual pall of darkness over their hearts and minds, the truth is that the resurrection happened during the darkest hours of night.

This gospel truth of the resurrection of Jesus happening in the darkness of night is a wonderful metaphor for what’s happening right now. Our families, small businesses, schools, and community institutions like our congregation, are all feeling the distress and desperation of this past year, but we are starting to see the light at the end of this long tunnel. As the vaccinations continue at a warp speed pace throughout our nation, we are beginning to see signs of renewal and emergence.

Resurrection is happening, brothers and sisters. Restoration is happening. God is just getting started with us. Thanks be to God that we are just getting started!

Blessed Holy Week & Happy Easter!!! Pastor Tim


After our Lenten journey of penitential contemplation and intensified spiritual devotion, we come to the pinnacle of the Church Year known as Holy Week.  It is the time of year we focus on the events of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his last supper, his torture, his crucifixion, his sacrificial death and his glorious resurrection.  So as I reflect on the sacred events of Holy Week, I find myself drawn to the following words of the Apostle Paul from the Book of Galatians:

“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything; the only thing that counts is faith made effective through love.” 

The Holy Bible, Galatians 5:6

“For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is everything!  As for those who follow this rule – peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

The Holy Bible, Galatians 6:15-16

The Apostle Paul wrote these words to the Christians in Galatia in order to remind them of the New Covenant of God through Christ, based on God’s universal grace, not on religious works prescribed by the laws and ordinances of the Old Testament (as it says in Galatians).  He reminded them (and us) that the New Testament of Christ fulfills all the promises and covenants of the Old Testament for all people everywhere, not just for Jesus’ fellow Jewish people. 

As a result of this, God’s promises and covenants to the Hebrew People (which are still in effect for them) are now also universally extended to all people by God’s grace in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.  So, while there is still the literal People of Israel (the Jewish People), there is also an expanded spiritual “Israel of God” (the universal Israel in Christ Jesus) which is everyone who trusts in the Lord: including Jew and Gentile, male and female, black and white, Democrat and Republican, liberal and conservative, rich and poor, and so on (see Galatians 3 and 6). 

In both Galatians and Romans, the Apostle Paul writes that all people are “heirs” of God’s covenant promises to Abraham by God’s grace through faith in Christ.   From Galatians 3 and Romans 3, we hear that all people are “descendants of Abraham” and “heirs according to the promise” by “the righteousness of God through the faith of Jesus Christ for all who believe.” 

Therefore, even the promised blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant are now extended to everyone everywhere by the Christ/Messiah of God, Jesus (or Yeshua in Hebrew for Joshua, meaning “God Saves”), and not by our own religious works prescribed by the law.  In other words, the Abrahamic inheritance given to the Hebrews is now renewed and broadened to include every single one of us by faith in Christ!  Thanks be to God!  Consequently, the Apostle Paul declares that all distinctions (circumcision and uncircumcision, Jew and Gentile, etc.) are nothing, and they count for nothing.  All that matters now, he says, is the “new creation” coming into being by the unconditional love and all-encompassing grace of God revealed to the whole world in and through our Lord Yeshua (Jesus), the only begotten Son of God.  And St. Paul adds that the only thing that now counts is our loving response to this free grace of God in the form of charitable service — or as he calls it, “faith made effective through love.”

Like Joshua in the Old Testament who led the ancient Israelites into the land of Canaan through the waters of the Jordan River, our Lord Jesus is the New Joshua who leads us into the universal promised land of salvation and the Kingdom of God through the waters of Holy Baptism where we are born again from above by his Holy Spirit within us. 

Yes, as Christians, our faith is all about the New Inclusive Covenant, heralded and set in motion by the New Universal Joshua (Jesus).   And just as God empowered the People of Israel with the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament, God has given us the Word and Sacrament of Christ to empower us in Christian faith and life.  Just as God’s Shekinah Presence (Glorious Presence) mysteriously and uniquely dwelled between the wings of the cherubim on the Ark, so also God’s Holy Shekinah Presence is uniquely and powerfully made available to us and for us through the Sacrament of Holy Communion so that we may abide in the faith, hope and love of our Lord and Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).

Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will return!  Almighty God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — bless us (the members of the expanded “Israel of God”) now and forever!  Amen!

Blessed Holy Week & Happy Easter!!!

Pastor Tim