The Battle Hymn of the Republic is a hymn that became the semi-official Civil War song of the United States Army during that great civil conflict of our nation. It was written by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, a poet and dedicated abolitionist, who visited an army camp near Washington D.C. in 1861. She was inspired by the soldiers singing “John Brown’s Body” which was a folk tune about an anti-slavery advocate who had been hanged for his efforts to free the slaves. Mrs. Howe felt that the catchy camp tune of this song should have better words along with it, and so she wrote her own lyrics to the same melody. The song expressed her support for Abraham Lincoln, who was elected President of the United Sates in 1860 and faced fierce opposition from the pro-slavery South.

Deeply anguished at the growing conflict between her fellow Americans, and in a desire to articulate her own feelings about the dreadful division of that time, Julia Ward Howe is said to have written her inspired verses almost without looking at the paper. The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (a.k.a. “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory” and “Glory, Glory! Hallelujah!”) was first published in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine in 1862 as a battle song for the U.S. republic. Before long the entire nation became inspired by her text and united in singing the new words with the old tune.

I have to say, to have implicit trust in God’s faithful care and protection is never easy in times of danger or strife. Yet even in the midst of the terrible American Civil War between the United States and the Confederate States, a remarkable Christian woman named Julia Ward Howe proclaimed her confidence in God’s triumphant power for the ultimate good of all.

From the first time it was sung unto today, Mrs. Howe’s hymn has been acclaimed through the years as one of the finest national hymns of our United States of America. In fact, very early on it was sung as a solo at a large rally attended by President Abraham Lincoln himself. After the audience had responded with thunderous applause, the President (with tears in his eyes) cried out, “Sing it again!!” So it was sung again… And after more than a hundred and fifty years, patriotic Americans still join in singing with one voice, “Glory, glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.”

May you all have a very happy Fourth of July and a deeply rejuvenating summertime!!!

Together in Christ, Pastor Tim