Each year on Reformation Sunday, which is always the last Sunday in October, we commemorate the great Protestant Reformation that took place during the period of transition from the late Medieval timeframe into the Renaissance timeframe. For Lutherans and Catholics, this commemoration is marked both by sorrow for past sins against one another and by deep gratitude for the spiritual gifts we now offer to one another through Christ our Lord and Savior.

As we are reformational Lutheran Christians of the 21st Century (now over two decades into the Third Millennium of Christ’s Redemption), I offer you the following couple areas of reformational do’s and don’ts:


DO… Let us regard all people as fellow children of God, made in the spiritual image of God. While we profess that Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) is the fullest revelation and manifestation of God, we must also be sure to look for and celebrate the Spirit of our Lord Jesus within non-Christian faiths. Even as we proclaim that Jesus is the Eternal Word of God incarnate in human flesh (John 1), we must also be sure to seek to recognize the ‘Seeds of the Word’ (Semina Verbi in Latin) that are scattered throughout the world. In other words, as I often like to say, while Jesus is the “full enchilada” of the revelation of God, there are also slices of this Divine “enchilada” within other faiths as well.

DON’T… When it comes to interfaith relations, it’s a temptation to downplay our Christian theology and spirituality in order to be hospitable and friendly. It’s tempting to say that all roads to God are equal. However, we cannot do this if we are to remain faithful to the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.

The big question is, “Will the real Jesus please stand up?” Well, the answer for some people is that Jesus is a prophet, and for some he is a buddha, and for some others he is a rabbi or a guru. However, the plain historical truth is that the people who know Jesus best are the people of the living community that he and his Apostles founded, which is the Church of Jesus Christ. So for those who know him best — that is, for Christians — Jesus is much more than everything these various titles convey. For us Christians, Jesus is the Son of God and the Second Person of the Holy Trinity (the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit). For us, Jesus is the Divine Messiah who is the Supreme Prophet, the Heavenly High Priest, the Prince of Peace, and the Everlasting King of Kings. For us, Jesus isn’t merely Prophet Jesus, but rather he is LORD Jesus. Consequently, we can be understanding and respectful of other religions while at the same time we can hold firm to our confession of our Trinitarian Christian faith and spirituality.


DO… Let us start all interactions with Christians of different branches of the Church from a position of UNITY IN DIVERSITY. So much more unites us than differentiates us as fellow brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ, the Christian Church. We share the same foundational, central and essential confession that Jesus the Christ (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach) is Lord and Savior, just as we have received from the very beginning at the Annunciation to Mary:

The angel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.”

(Luke 1:35)

We share in the same baptismal grace and faith, and we share in the same resurrection hope and charitable love of our Lord Jesus.

DON’T… We must never see other branches of the Christian Church as alien to our own identity in Christ Jesus. For we are ONE BODY in Christ with many uniquely gifted members by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are ONE TREE in Christ, with many uniquely gifted branches reaching out in all directions — Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and so on.

Together in Christ,  Pastor Tim


I was recently asked by a parishioner about the biblical prohibition against “graven images” in the Ten Commandments. And since it is the heartfelt desire of every Christian believer to love God, I have heard this particular concern many times over the years regarding Christian sculptures, carvings, etchings, icons, paintings and other artwork that depict Jesus, or his family, or his early disciples, or great Church leaders of history (i.e. Martin Luther, John Wesley, and others).

In the Ten Commandments of Exodus 20, it says the following: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself any graven images—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.”

Based on this Bible text, some Protestant Christians (as well as all Muslims and most Jews) assert that sculptures and icons of Jesus Christ, or statues of saints and angels, or paintings of holy images, are all violations of Exodus 20. But is this really the case? Are we breaking the commandment of God by having statuary, icons and other images of either earthly or heavenly subjects in our homes and churches?

To more fully understand Exodus 20, we need to use the principle of interpreting Holy Scripture with Holy Scripture. So let’s look at other Bible passages that can shed light on this commandment of God from Exodus 20…

  • The prohibition against “graven images” in Exodus 20:4 and “molten gods” in Exodus 34:17 are both given in the context of the idolatry of the ancient Near East.
  • God commanded that gold images of cherubim (winged angels of heaven) be made and placed on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. See Exodus 25:18-22.
  • God commanded that cherubim images be fashioned on the curtains of the Tabernacle. See Exodus 26:1.
  • God commanded that cherubim images be on the veil of the Tabernacle that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place (“Holy of Holies”) where the Ark was placed. See Exodus 26:31.
  • In First Kings 6:23-28, the Jerusalem Temple had two large gold-overlaid olivewood cherubim on either side of the Ark in the Holy of Holies.
  • Also in First Kings 7:13-51, the Jerusalem Temple had oxen sculptures holding up the bronze laver (large water basin), and the base of the laver had earthly images of lions and oxen, as well as heavenly images of cherubim.
  • The Lord God commanded Moses in Numbers 21:8-9 to make a bronze serpent and set it on a pole as a means through which the Israelites would receive grace for healing from wilderness snakebites. See John 3:14-16 for Jesus’ comparison of his New Testament ministry and crucifixion with the healing grace of the Old Testament bronze serpent and pole.

Now, in light of the Bible passages listed above (and their historical contexts), it is clear that an absolute rejection of all manmade images of earthly and heavenly things is not God’s intention. Consequently, those who interpret Exodus 20:3-4 as prohibiting any and all images do not agree with the interpretation of Moses and Solomon (according to God’s intention) — and we clearly see this fact by interpreting Holy Scripture with Holy Scripture, and by interpreting Holy Scripture within its various historical contexts.

Therefore, the main thing in Exodus 20:2-6 is simply to NOT worship lesser gods, and to ONLY worship and serve the One Almighty God of All. Moreover, the Bible is warning us of the error of venerating the manmade thing (the handcrafted image) rather than focusing on the creative Source of all good things (the Eternal God). So while we can conclude that Christian statuary, icons and other artwork are permissible by God for reminding us of (and pointing us toward) his eternal grace and truth, we must never fall into worshiping such images. In other words, the prohibition in Exodus 20 is not the production of graven images per se, but the bowing down and serving of such images (see also Deuteronomy 5:8-10).

Similarly, Lutheran Christians do not bow down to and do not worship/serve images of Christ, or of his Apostles, or of past and present Church leaders. However, we can and do include such sacred images in our homes and churches, and this is all well and good as long as we use these beautiful things appropriately in order to worship and serve only the Lord God Almighty.

Lastly, as Lutheran Christians who believe, trust and profess that Jesus Christ is the Son and Living Icon of God with us, we make and use sacred Christ-centered images as helpful tools in sharing the good news of Jesus within a world constantly flooded by ungodly images of all sorts. After all, “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (see Colossians 1:15-20).

Together in Christ’s Mission, Pastor Tim