Almighty and wonder-full God, we are thankful for your all-encompassing, all-pervading and eternal Presence.

Our thanks and praise belong to you alone, O God of all, because you are the One Source of all being and goodness. In you we live, move and have our being, and by your sovereign grace we receive salvation, wholeness and renewal.

We thank you for the birth, life, teachings, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank you for the redemptive suffering of Jesus, endured by him from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross of Golgotha (a suffering which exposed the total depravity of our sinful human condition every step of the way), and we thank you for Jesus’ sacrificial offering of himself for our everlasting atonement and reconciliation. Moreover, we thank and praise you for the empty tomb and ascension of Jesus which declare your Final Word of life, light and love eternal.

Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — you are in charge and you lead the way. You never leave us nor forsake us, and your steadfast love endures forever. Whether we live or die, we are yours. In this life and the next, we are secure in your hands.

By your sovereign grace and divine will, you call us, claim us and draw us to yourself. You lead us on paths we do not yet know. There is a tomorrow we cannot see, and there are bends in the road we cannot know. But we know you will faithfully lead us according to your plan and purpose, because you are the Faithful One.

By your amazing grace, we travel the journey of this life. By your grace, we keep our minds focused on you. By your grace, we live God-conscious lives, a daily relationship of moment-by-moment dialogue with you. By your grace, we trust in you, no matter what happens or doesn’t happen. And by your grace, we follow you and abide in you.

By your grace, what joy and peace you give to us!!!

And in response to your infinite grace and absolute love, we live lives of worship, prayer, Holy Scripture study, tenderheartedness, lovingkindness, faithfulness, justice, hospitality and charity.

O Lord God, we pray for the world, this diverse arena you have created to work out your infinite grace and purposes for us and all things. We know that destruction and rebirth are a part of your creative will for the natural world. We know that you are in all creation and all creation is in you. Help us to use times of crisis as opportunities for serving those in need and sharing your truth.

O God, we know that you establish, disestablish and reestablish your earthly community throughout the ages. Beginnings, endings and new beginnings all flow from your creative and redemptive activity. We pray that in times of adversity you will draw us closer to you all the more.

Help us to see your Unity in the diversity of our world, O God, and help us to see that we are all united in you through your Holy Spirit. Help us to see we are of One Love and One Heart in you.

O God, for your universal glory and for our eternal benefit, help us to see and understand all of this according to the faith, hope and love of your Living Word, Jesus Christ our Lord.

You are Love… You are Sovereign… You are True…

Wonder-full God, the great “I Am” of the Scriptures, we pray all these things in the saving name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The grace and peace of Christ be with you all in 2021! Pastor Tim


In the New Testament of the Holy Bible, we are instructed to “contend for the faith.” Specifically, in the Epistle of Jude it says the following:

“Beloved, while eagerly preparing to write to you about the salvation we share, I find it necessary to write and appeal to you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.”

Jude 1:3

But what exactly does it mean to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints”? Well, the answer is two-fold: 1) We are called to vie for and campaign for the true gospel of Jesus Christ against any kind of false gospel that is competing for our hearts and souls, and 2) We are encouraged to actively engage in practices that strengthen our Christian Faith.

Just as it was at the time of Jude and the Apostles, we have to contend for our Christian Faith (received from our Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles) amid the false claims of various pseudo-gospels. While Jude specifically addresses those who have turned the gospel of Christ into a “licentious” philosophy (an anything-goes philosophy), we today also contend with this same thing in addition to contending with other things.

In our world today, we “contend for the faith” against things like the Prosperity Gospel, which teaches that we can be blessed with material wealth if we have enough faith or the right kind of faith. We also contend with Radical Secularism, which seeks to strictly relegate faith to a mere freedom of private worship rather than a true freedom of religious expression within both our private and public lives. Furthermore, we contend against Radical Relativism, a doctrine stating that truth, knowledge, ethics and morality are completely relative to culture and are not absolute.

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to resist going astray into these various theological and philosophical distortions of the grace and truth of God. However, we cannot fulfill this calling without the power of God in our lives to strengthen us. So, this is where we are encouraged to actively engage in practices that empower our faith and spirituality. And these practices include worship, Holy Communion, fellowship, charitable service, prayer, and devotional reading, but primary among these practices is BIBLE READING.

Privately reading the Holy Scriptures as an individual and collectively reading them within a Bible study group are essential practices for maintaining a strong Christian belief and hope. There is power in the Word (see Hebrews 4:11-16). Of course, regular Bible study does not make us perfect people, but it does strengthen us with a hope, peace and joy that transcend all human understanding.

So, what are we feeding our souls throughout the week? Are we reading the Scriptures to build us up in Christ and to help us “contend for the faith” amid all the competing claims of the various pseudo-gospels of the world?

“But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.”

Jude 1:20-21

Almighty God, strengthen us with the power of your Word through the Holy Spirit so that Christ may live in our hearts through faith. Amen.

Thanks be to God!   Pastor Tim


Sha’alu Shalom Yerushalayim (“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”) is a Hebrew exhortation and blessing from Psalm 122 of the Holy Bible. In this Psalm, God both exhorts us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and promises us a blessing, saying, “May they prosper who love you.”

However, the question on my heart right now is what about the peace of our American homeland? What about the peace of our “one nation under God”? What about the peace of our national “Jerusalem” here and now?

Well, the Bible gives us guidance about our calling to pray for the peace of our nation and for the peaceable life of all its citizens. Of course, the Bible was inspired and written down at a time long before the inspiration and establishment of our liberal republican democracy (a.k.a. libertarian democratic republic). Nevertheless, the Word of God within the Bible firmly speaks to our Christian vocation to pray for and seek a peaceable society for all people.

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, including kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”


“It is God’s will that by doing right you should silence the ignorance of the foolish. As servants of God, live as free people, yet do not use your freedom as a pretext for evil. Honor everyone. Love the family of believers. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”


In addition, there is clearly a God given and honorable role for our duly appointed governing authorities, law enforcement and armed services to act as peace-keepers (see Romans 13:1-7). However, our Lord Jesus highlights the role of peace-makers, calling them “children of God” in Matthew 5:9. After all, he is the Great “Prince of Peace” in Isaiah 9, that wonderful title that we celebrate every Christmas.

In fact, with everything that’s going on right now, I say (in the words of Auntie Mame) “We need a little Christmas right this very minute!” So, here’s a little Christmas in June from Luke chapter 2:

“Do not be afraid; for see — I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David [Bethlehem] a Savior, who is the Messiah,the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

LUKE 2:10-14

This is good news indeed! It fuels our inner joy and peace, just like Simeon of Jerusalem, who was devout and looked forward to the consolation and restoration of Israel. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. So, guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the Jerusalem Temple, and when Joseph and Mary brought in the child Jesus to do for him what was customary according to the Torah, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying the following:

“Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”

LUKE 2:29-32

Like Simeon, may we also be filled with this inner peace at this very difficult time. Furthermore, even in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, even as our society wrestles with the grave injustice of the murder of George Floyd, and even as we deal with the terror of the violent demonstrations, let us pray for peace and for equal treatment under the law — and let us pray for the Spirit to fill our hearts and minds with Christ’s grace, peace and love as we seek together to form a more righteous, equitable and peaceable society for our exceptional nation.

Love & Grace & Peace! Pastor Tim


Recently during our online Bible study of the Book of Ephesians, hosted on the Zoom video conferencing platform, we discussed the “holy temple” of Ephesians chapter 2…

So Christ came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.

Ephesians 2:17-22

As I shared with the other Bible study participants on Zoom, this image of the Church of Jesus Christ as one living temple is a favorite biblical image for me. Of course the Bible uses several other images to describe the Church, such as one living body with many different members, or as one living tree into which we (many different branches) are grafted by God’s grace. However, the image of a living temple speaks to my heart a little bit more than these others.

As a lover of architecture, the living temple image of the Church in Ephesians allows me to imagine the various interrelated structural parts — including how we might imagine our relationship with the Holy Trinity of God. Therefore, with the apostles and prophets of the New and Old Testaments as the foundation of this great spiritual temple, and with ourselves as its living interconnected stone blocks, let’s focus on the three most notable pieces of stonemasonry: the Cornerstone, the Keystone, and the Capstone.

The cornerstone (or setting stone) is the first stone placed in a masonry construction, and all the other building stones will be set in reference to this first stone — thereby determining the overall position of the entire structure. Likewise, Jesus Christ is our divine Cornerstone, the chief stone set in place for us to base our individual orientation within the overall temple structure. In other words, our Lord Jesus’ life, teachings, death and resurrection give us the exact spiritual dimensions that we use to set and position our faith and spirituality.

The keystone (sometimes doubling as a capstone) is the central wedge stone at the apex of a masonry arch, or it’s the circular wedge stone at the apex of a vaulted structure. In both cases it’s the final stone that locks all the stones of an arch or vault into position, allowing the arch or vault to bear the weight of the surrounding structure. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is our divine Keystone, the central wedge stone that unites and binds all the other stones into one load-bearing temple structure. Consequently, due to the open but solid archway of the Holy Spirit (or Holy Keystone) we are strengthened and kept in true faith by the Holy Spirit’s power and spiritual gifts, bestowed upon us through the Word and Sacraments of God.

The capstone (sometimes doubling as a keystone) is a stone placed at the pinnacle of a masonry construction, typically on top of a wall or a monument. In addition, the capstone is an architectural feature that is often found at the very top of religious, memorial and governmental structures. As a result, capstones on such structures as these are often detailed artistic features placed at the highest point in order to indicate the purpose or meaning of the entire building. Furthermore, the capstone can be circular or conical or pyramidal in shape.

On both governmental and religious buildings, the capstone can often have some kind of decorative orb centered on top — and this orb can also have a symbol or statue on top of it.  For example, there is an ornate capstone at the pinnacle of the dome of our United States Capitol Building, and it’s a conical-shaped capstone supporting an orb (etched with the words “E Pluribus Unum”) that also has the Statue of Freedom standing upon the orb. Or for another example, centered on the capstones of many Church cathedrals there are orbs with either cross symbols or angelic figures (or both). Likewise, just as it is with these beautiful capstone structures on top of large governmental and religious buildings, our Heavenly Father is our divine Capstone, the pinnacle stone that indicates our highest purpose and meaning, and our highest exultation and destiny.

As we are physically isolated during this global Coronavirus pandemic and national quarantine, it is deeply important that we remember our spiritual togetherness as stones in God’s living temple — securely interconnected with God and each other forever by God’s amazing grace. With the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (our divine Capstone, Cornerstone and Keystone), and with the apostles and prophets as our foundation, we shall stand firm throughout it all. 

Lastly, with all of this in mind, I’m reminded of the first part of the third verse of the great Christian hymn “Built on a Rock the Church Shall Stand”…

Christ builds a house of living stones:

we are his own habitation;

he fills our hearts, his humble thrones,

granting us life and salvation.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW), Hymn #652, Verse 3

A blessed Pentecost Sunday to all of you in May and a wonder-full Holy Trinity Sunday in June!

Together in God’s Living Temple, Pastor Tim


As we undergo this extended quarantine due to the global Coronavirus pandemic, we find ourselves with ample opportunity (the rare opportunity) to be alone with our thoughts more and to engage in more intentional reflection and prayerful contemplation. And thankfully, because we live in sunny Southern California, our social distancing is not as claustrophobic as it is in cold grey areas of our country. So, we also have the opportunity to be outside as we use this extraordinary period of quarantine to meditate upon the Word of God in the Holy Bible and to prayerfully wrestle with the deep questions of faith and life. (I recommend any of the following biblical books:  the Book of Genesis, the Book of Psalms, the Gospel of Matthew, the Book of Acts, the Book of Romans, the Book of Hebrews, the Book of First John.)

In a way our whole society is entombed right now, awaiting a return to normalcy. But for people of faith, the eventual reopening of society can be much more than a mere return to what was before. For us it can be a kind of resurrection, a renewal of spiritual life, and a rededication to participating in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the ministry of his amazing gospel. Furthermore, as I am generally a very ecumenical person, I hope and pray that this renewal will be the case within all denominations throughout our nation — for we are a peculiar nation that has always acknowledged God (in a nonsectarian way) as the fundamental basis and very foundation of our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As we sing in “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”…

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills.
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.

In addition, as we are going through the budding and flowering of Spring, transitioning toward Summer, I’m mindful of the passage of the times and seasons of our lives. Consequently, the beautiful song from the musical Fiddler On The Roof called “Sunrise, Sunset” also comes to my mind. It is a song specifically about the passage of time as it relates to children and family, but it’s also about the passage of all the times and seasons of faith and life. The following is an excerpt of the lyrics of this song…

Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as they gaze

Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

Truly, so very swiftly flow the days and so very swiftly fly the years of this life, calling us to savor each and every moment, and causing us to reflect on the life to come when we pass on from this world of “happiness and tears.” This is especially true when a loved one is nearing death. At that particular season of life (a season of tears) we contemplate our place in God’s universe and our ultimate heavenly destiny granted to us by the grace of God in, with and through Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord.

Therefore, according to the faith, hope and love of Christ, the Christian believer is able to reverse the song “Sunrise, Sunset” to “Sunset, Sunrise.” This is because of the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross for our sins and because of his glorious resurrection from the dead on the third day. In other words, through the Son-set and Son-rise of Christ our Lord, we can live this life with the deep inner joy of the living hope of forgiveness of sins and resurrection life. For as it says in First Peter…

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice,even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith—being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

First Peter 1:3-7

Thanks be to God for the risen Son of God! Even though we are going through dark times of sunset due to the global Coronavirus pandemic, the grace and truth of the gospel is that the Son is shining upon us now and forever. Amen.

Alleluia, Christ Is Risen! Pastor Tim


In select theaters on March 17-18, 2020, Fathom Events is bringing to the big screen a new inspirational movie about the life and ministry of Saint Patrick, entitled “I Am Patrick.” It is a feature-length docudrama that peels back centuries of legend and myth to tell the story of the historical St. Patrick. Through re-enactments, expert interviews, and Patrick’s own writings, we can experience his remarkable journey of faith and transformation. It also stars John Rhys-Davies (best known for his role as Gimli in The Lord of the Rings saga) who plays St. Patrick in his elder years.  For us in our area, this movie will show on these two days at 6:30pm at AMC Burbank 16.

During the Season of Lent, the Christian Church has an annual observance on March 17th in commemoration of this great Fifth Century missionary bishop to Ireland. He was born at the end of the Fourth Century to a Roman family on the Isle of Great Britain. Patrick was raised in the Christian Faith, but at the age of sixteen he was abducted by Pagan Irish pirates who were raiding communities in and around Great Britain. Patrick was then enslaved by them, and during his captivity, he prayed often and his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ grew stronger. Patrick also learned the Irish Celtic language and customs. In addition, he learned about Druidism, which was the Pagan religion of the Celtic peoples of Western Europe. In fact, his slave master was a Druid high priest. After six years of captivity, he received guidance from an angel of God to flee his cruel master, and he escaped back to Britain.

As a result of this experience, Patrick’s heart was set toward serving God, so he went to France for his seminary education. After seminary, he served in pastoral ministry for approximately seventeen years until he was commissioned as a missionary bishop to Ireland. Patrick arrived in Ireland around 433 AD, and he shared the good news of Jesus Christ with the native people of Ireland for decades to follow. Because of his evangelistic ministry, Patrick is largely responsible for the establishment of Christianity in Ireland. Besides his famous use of the three-leafed shamrock to symbolize the Holy Trinity of God, he is also credited with driving the Druid priesthood (a.k.a. the “serpents”) from Ireland.

It is appropriate during Lent that we commemorate Saint Patrick, because he is a model of faithful and dedicated evangelism within a cultural context that’s largely unfriendly to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest?’ I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already ripe for harvest.”

John 4: 34-35

Yes, according to Jesus, the fields of evangelism are already ripe for the harvest. However, these fields of evangelism in our society today often do not feel very ripe for harvesting. This is because we live in a time where many people who were raised in the Christian Faith are not living according to their baptismal covenant with God: “to live among God’s faithful people, to regularly hear the Word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ Jesus through word and deed, to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.” And many of these are neglecting to nurture their children into the faith, hope and love of the Lord Jesus. Furthermore, as it was at the time of Saint Patrick in Ireland, our work of Christian evangelism is increasingly to those who at first find the gospel to be completely foreign to them.

Thanks be to God for the example of Saint Patrick, whose devotion and dedication to God gives us inspiration to do the work of evangelism within our daily lives. May we continue to share the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with others, even though it might not initially be received too well, or even if our evangelical outreach in the name of Christ is completely rejected.

Let us remember Jesus’ words of promise, saying, “See how the fields are already ripe for harvest.” And, when sharing the good news and joy of our Lord with others, let us continually pray for direction with the words of the great missionary bishop, Saint Patrick, who wrote: “May the strength of God pilot me, the power of God uphold me, the wisdom of God guide me.”

Good Lent & Blessed Saint Patrick’s Day! Pastor Tim


As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to share our faith in Jesus with all people. In fact, our Lord and Savior Jesus said the following: “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” And, of course, there is Christ’s famous Great Commission statement:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Matthew 28: 18-19a

However, this Great Commission can sound to us like such a colossal and monumental thing. It can sound too grandiose for an individual Christian or a neighborhood Christian congregation to accomplish. But we also know that “for God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

So, what can we do with all these teachings and commandments from our Lord about “fishing” and discipling and evangelizing in his name?

Well, it has been said that Christian evangelism is one beggar telling another where they have found bread. And if we think of it like this, then the call to evangelize doesn’t seem so daunting. All of us, like all of humanity, are spiritual beggars that are in need of the spiritual bread that God so graciously has made available to us in Christ. Simply put, we are beggars who have found The Living Bread of Heaven (John 6:47-51) who wish to share with others (as best we can) where they can get this bread for themselves.

Beggars telling other beggars where we have found bread — this really is the heart of Christian evangelism and it is something we can all do, both individually and congregationally. You can give gifts to people that reflect Christian faith and spirituality. You can regularly “Check In” and “Share” and “Like” on our church Facebook page for your individual social media contacts to see. You can invite your friends, neighbors, family members and coworkers to worship services and congregational events. If you have children who have not followed through with their vows at their own child’s baptism to bring them to the services of God’s house, then you can evangelize your grandchildren by inviting and bringing them to worship, Sunday school and other activities.

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ, there are a variety of important things we must engage in. For instance, charitable service is very important. However, while we continue to do charitable service (both domestically and globally), we must also remember to do evangelism by sharing with our fellow sinners and spiritual beggars where to find The Bread of Life, who is Christ the Lord. Essentially, it is inviting people to the renewing and sustaining life, light and love of Jesus through his Holy Word and Blessed Sacrament within the fellowship of his Community of Disciples.

Happy New Year to All and Share the Good News! 

Pastor Tim


There are five essential pillars for the Lutheran branch of Christianity, including for our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and these pillars are known as the “Five Solae” which are as follows:

+ Sola Scriptura – “Scripture alone” or “Word alone”

+ Sola Fide – “Faith alone”

+ Sola Gratia – “Grace alone”

+ Solus Christus – “Christ alone”

+ Soli Deo Gloria – “Glory to God alone”

So according to God’s WORD within the Holy Scriptures, we are saved by God’s GRACE through the gift of FAITH in JESUS CHRIST for the sake of God’s GLORY and our eternal benefit.

Along with all of our brothers and sisters of the Lutheran branch of Christianity throughout the world, we ELCA Christians regard the Holy Scriptures (the Bible) as our primary source and norm for Christian doctrine and life. As a matter of fact, we understand the Bible to be “inspired” by God just as the Apostle Paul declared in Second Timothy: “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). Therefore, while we acknowledge that the Bible is not inerrant (“completely without error” in all matters of history and science), we wholeheartedly profess that the Bible is inspired (“breathed into” by God) and is infallible (it “does not fail” in matters of salvation). For example, the Bible has two conflicting years for Jesus’ birth (around 4 BC in Matthew or around 6 AD in Luke), but what matters is that in the Land of Israel a Savior has been born unto us, Christ the Lord. For another example, the Bible has the empty tomb being discovered by 2 women in Matthew, 3 women in Mark, and only 1 woman in John, but what matters is that the tomb was discovered empty and that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. And for a final example, the Bible has two conflicting times for Jesus giving the Holy Spirit (on Resurrection evening in John or about 50 days later on Pentecost in Acts), but what matters is that the risen Lord Jesus appeared many times to many people and that he gave us the gift of his Holy Spirit.

In addition, this understanding of the nature of the Bible recognizes that the Bible reflects and contains a few archaic notions regarding the sciences. However, if we seek to understand the historical context underlying such things, then God’s Word can be opened-up in amazing ways for us today. So just like it is with a goldmine, we read and study the Bible in order to unearth the biblical veins of quartz which lead us right to those wonderful deposits of pure theological and spiritual gold. Consequently, the inspiration and infallibility of the Bible do not necessarily rest in every single one of the Bible’s contextually specific instructions, but more importantly in its overarching trajectories, themes, values and ideals (the Heart of the Law and Prophets as Jesus taught us). 

As we read and study the Bible together (taking into account the historical context, the living experience of the Church, and the data from science), we engage in a powerful dialogue with God and in discerning the Bible’s application for our faith, ethics and daily life. Just like a Big Wheel tricycle, our Christian life has three wheels: 1) the large front wheel is the Bible, 2) one of the pair of back wheels is the living tradition and experience of the Church today, and 3) the remaining back wheel is the various disciplines of science. So it is this spiritual Big Wheel tricycle that best guides us, rather than the biblical unicycle that some might assert as necessary for our salvation.

Of course, this tried-and-true Big Wheel understanding of Sola Scriptura is really nothing new. Martin Luther, the first Protestant reformer and the founder of the Lutheran branch of Christianity, compared the Bible to the manger of Christ. The manger was human made. Being made of stone or of wood, it no doubt had some imperfections — and in either case, it no doubt had some straw held within it.  Nevertheless, it held the Living Word of God for us and our world. Likewise, Luther stated that the Bible is “human” but that it’s also “divine” because it holds and presents Christ.

Thanks be to God for the Bible, through which the Holy Spirit opens us up to receive God’s grace and truth, and through which we come to know and grow into the life-changing faith, hope and love of God’s Son Jesus our Lord! And it’s such a great blessing that Mt. Olive Lutheran Church offers several Bible study opportunities on a regular basis. So all are welcome to participate in these Bible studies and join the conversation.

Together in Christ,

Pastor Tim